LIMAH E. A. LIMITED is a private limited company that was registered on 15th January 2009 under the registration of business name act cap 499 and later incorporated on 20th November2013 under the companies act, cap 486 of Kenya. With over 500 staff across the country, LIMAH E.A specializes in:
- Professional Cleaning Services
- Fumigation and Pest Control
- Sanitary Services
- Garbage collection and safe disposal
- Bulk Water Supply
We offer these services across the country to a wide spectrum of institutions spanning Health (Hospitals), Finance- (Banks and Saccos) Manufacturing industry, Commercial buildings-Office Suites. NGOs, Parastatals, County Governments, Hotels amongst others. Our services are professionally executed under strict supervision at each station thus ensuring quality, timely and efficient services are offered with the least interruption possible.
Maintaining these standards through a self-motivated team, working smart and innovative techniques has over the years enhanced and strengthened our relationships with our customers. We have full-time workers who are fully trained to meet high standards of quality and cleaning performance.
“To be the leading cleaning & pest control support solutions provider and most reliable efficient contractors, offering a broad spectrum of related services and products, committed to service excellence and renowned for our integrity and ability to deliver”.
“To be the ultimate leader in provision of world class cleaning services and pest control support solutions through efficient use of resources and latest technology, using eco-friendly products and an empowered workforce with a comprehensive guarantee of satisfaction”.